A true metal battle rages across the frozen fields of Canada and Finland on the debut split release from CORONARY (Finland) and TRAVELER (Canada). Slated for a JUNE 2018 release via Gates Of Hell Records. The split will be available on Vinyl .

Formed in Tampere in 2017, CORONARY was created when a pair of Finnish metal veterans, guitarist Aku “Herr Lederwurst” Kytölä and drummer Pate “Batvik” Vuorio, reconnected after bumping into each other at a local flea market. Upon realizing they both shared a similar vision of wanting to create a metal band that took its influences from the ’70s and ’80s, the two men set about to complete the CORONARY lineup, eventually securing lead singer Olli “The True Herman” Kärki, second guitarist Jukka “Doktor” Holm and bassist Jarkko “C-90” Aaltonen.
CORONARY emerged from a January 2018 studio session with three songs of classic metal glory, highlighting the gritty vocals of Kärki and guitar tandem of Kytölä and Holm, the latter capable of dropping in ACCEPT-like riff tactics to match their firebrand lead guitar work. The demo is already catching fire in the metal underground, with Metal Crypt stating CORONARY “refuse to reinvent the smoothly rollin’ heavy metal wheel. No, on the contrary, they want it to be untouched, letting it roll freely, the way it’s been rolling in the best way since the golden era of ’80s heavy fuckin’ metal.”

Calgary, Alberta’s TRAVELER was created in 2017 by guitarist, bassist and primary songwriter Matt Ries, who in addition to his regular duties with GATEKRASHÖR and HROM, developed an itch to branch out with his own song ideas in order to have a fresh outlook on music. Joined by vocalist Jean-Pierre Abboud (also of GATEKEEPER) and drummer Jan Loncik, TRAVELER shacked up at Richobo Studios in Calgary with Loncik manning the production boards. TRAVELER’s up-tempo, pounding style puts the sound of RIOT and MANILLA ROAD on overdrive with a preponderance of soaring twin guitar harmonies and Abboud’s effortless, but always convincing vocal delivery.
“The songs were inspired by an unhealthy mix of real life and fantasy,” says Ries. “Whether it be from the trials and tribulations we face day-to-day, or just pure exaggerated scenarios. I think these songs express that well.
“The sky is the limit at this point,” he continues. “I’ve had an overwhelming amount of positive feedback through fans and festival promoters wanting more from us. So, at the moment I am putting together a lineup of members and teaching our new drummer all of the songs for the upcoming full length. And, we will begin recording after he is up to speed. With Gates Of Hell’s help and various other release options, I think we can do really great things.”
CORONARY/TRAVELER split track listing :
- Firewings
- Bullet Train
- Mestengo
- Starbreaker
- Behind The Iron
- Mindless Maze